Dealmaker Insights
Legal review of your signed contracts can reveal patterns of risk and opportunity that wouldn’t be obvious otherwise. And as you grow, you’ll need a plan for how to respond when a large customer asks how your contracts comply with their requirements — or when a regulator asks how you comply with the law. The Dealmaker Insights service puts these answers at your fingertips.
Flat fee pricing for this service varies based on the number, type, and length of contracts to be reviewed.
List of legal and financial risk exposures for your company
Summary of your company's compliance obligations
Suggested changes to improve future agreements
Ideas for templates to expedite your negotiation process
Other customized data points as requested (additional fees may apply)
A non-refundable $300 fee applies, which will be credited against the flat fee if you purchase the Dealmaker Insights service.
Spark + Sterling | Flat Fee Services
Spark + Sterling offers flat fee legal services to launch your company, attract investors, and win customers.